I am beyond impressed with Ariella’s ability to hold and transfer such deep wombic/intuitive knowing in a cognitive centered world. She answers to, and offers forward both with such grace. I am honored to have received some piece of ancient wisdom from Ariella and my fellow dreamers in our hive.

Since I was a child, I have suffered through nightmares and vivid dreaming. Throughout the years, I have worked with different therapists and many dream teachers, but none of them showed me the oracular and potent healing power of dreams like Ariella. I also so much appreciated the safe container and closely held dream circles that she facilitated. I am still connecting monthly in a dream circle with some of the people I met in one of her dream groups over a year later. 

Her skill and ability to support a group navigating through the dreamtime was excellent and very professional, and I highly recommend the journeys she offers. Step into the dark with her and be illuminated! 

I have been blessed to live with a secret grove, apple orchards and walk amongst candelabra mullein giants. Spaces that hold secrets,medicine,mythology, poetry, and reconnects one with infinite beauty and their place in the ecology of earth's cosmos.They hold a poetic resonant balm, that both calls you in and knows your soul.

The work of Ariella holds such a FORCE. She is clearly an EYE, an anchor of manifestation, the voice of Mystery & the Goddess, a keeper and steward of the INVISIBLE and visible realms. To participate in the ceremony of her offerings is to cross a star lit bridge into the Dreams of The Great Mystery and to once again commune with them in and out of time.

All of Ariella’s work is deeply Spirit and womb-driven. Having experienced both Betwixt and Between and Dreaming with Bees, I felt honoured to be with such a numinous and wise teacher, who super-charged my own dreaming and shamanic practices. I learnt so much. This is important work, and it has has a spiritual life and energy of its own which goes above and beyond whatever you might expect of an online offering. 100% recommended.

Ariella’s grounded and powerful guidance held the space beautifully for all 13 sister dreamers in the class. She helped us to develop sacred dreamtime practices and weave the golden threads we found there into our waking lives. I know my awareness has been shifted to one where seamless intuitive messages now run through my meditations, my shamanic journeys, my waking life—and now joyfully—my dreamtime!

Ariella's dreaming classes are transformative.  There is life-changing power in the circles she creates and holds. The dreaming classes are like bathing in a sacred soundscape, which in the 2020 world of Zoom meetings, feels all the more luxurious. Having my own dream alchemized by the dreaming circle was a life changing experience.  I still sit in the alchemy of that dream months later, and gratefully continue practices I learned in her class on a regular basis.

I keep getting a nudge to express to you how profoundly your work and classes have impacted my life. Working with you has opened doors into realms beyond my wildest dreams, yet somehow, deep in my heart, I knew those doors were there. I see how devoted you are to your work, and being on the receiving end of how much love and energy you pour into it, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I truly see your service to spirit and am so deeply grateful to what you create and weave in this world.